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Minecraft Snapshot 25w08a
A Minecraft Java Snapshot一个Minecraft Java快照
We're adding some new, fun and cute features in this week's snapshot. Spawn eggs just got cuter with new textures looking more like the mobs they spawn. Wolves are becoming even more unique with their own individual sounds. When a wolf spawns, it will get one of seven personalities, unrelated to their variant or biome. From cute to grumpy, each wolf will bark, growl, pant, whine, and express themselves in their own unique way. To top it all off, leaf litter will now look even better with new colors and we have made some tweaks to what color of sheep spawns in different biomes.
Have fun exploring!
New Features
新功能- Added new sound variants for Wolves
- 为变种狼添加了新的音效
- Overhauled the visuals of each Spawn Egg to improve readability and accessibility
- 为每种生物蛋添加了更好的外观,这让它们更容易辨认
Farm Animal variants
农场动物变种Sheep wool color in warm and cold biomes
热带和寒带生物群系中的羊毛的颜色- Reverted the change from last week that allowed Blue, Light Blue, Cyan, Yellow, Orange and Red Sheep to spawn naturally in different biomes
- “滚回”了上周让蓝色、浅蓝色、青色、黄色、橙色和红色羊在不同生物群系中自然生成的改动
- Black Sheep will still be the most common type to spawn in cold biomes, and Brown Sheep will be the most common type in warm biomes
- 黑羊仍将是寒带生物群系中最常见的类型,而褐羊将是热带生物群系中最常见的类型
- Pink Sheep will still be very rare and able to spawn anywhere where Sheep can spawn
- 粉红羊仍然非常罕见,能够在羊可以生成的任何地方生成
- Uncommon Sheep colors in Cold Biomes are gray, light gray, white and brown
- 寒带生物群系中少见的羊的颜色是灰色、浅灰色、白色和棕色
- Uncommon Sheep colors in Warm Biomes are gray, light gray, white and black
- 热带生物群系中少见的羊的颜色是灰色、浅灰色、白色和黑色
Leaf Litter
落叶堆- Leaf Litter is tinted based on which biome it's in
- 现在落叶堆会跟据所在生物群系着色
Spawn Egg visuals overhaul
生物蛋视觉效果更改- Each Spawn Egg now has their own unique visual which captures the personality and character of the mob it spawns
- 每一种生物蛋现在都有自己的外观,能够反映出对应生物的特点
- Each egg visual varies in shape to reflect the in-world size of the mob it spawns
- 每一个生物蛋现在会在尺寸上略有区别,对应所生成的生物在世界中的尺寸
- For example, smaller mobs tend to have a smaller Spawn Egg
- 举个“栗”子,更小的生物会拥有更小的生物蛋尺寸
Wolf Sounds Variants
- Added 6 new Wolf sound variants with unique ambient, hurt, death, growl, whine, and pant sounds
- 添加了6种新的狼的音效变种,空闲、受伤、死亡、吼叫、呜咽和喘息音效声
- The new sounds are part of variants that are called big, cute, puglin, angry, grumpy and sad
- 这些声音变种是 big、cute、puglin、angry、grumpy和sad
- The original Wolf sounds now are used for the variant called classic
- 原来狼的音效现在改为classic的音效变种
- Every Wolf will have a random sound variant assigned to it from the 6 new variants and the original one
- 每只狼都将从6个新的音效变种和原来的音效中随机分配一个音效变种
- The sound variant is not related to the texture variant
- 音效变种与纹理变种无关
更改- Sheep's wool undercoat is now also colored when dyed, matching existing behaviour in Bedrock Edition
- 羊毛在染色时底色也会染色,与基岩版相匹配
- Sheep can now eat Fern blocks to match Bedrock Edition
- 羊现在可以吃蕨类植物方块,与基岩版相匹配
- Wandering Traders' buying trades can now be used twice before they lock instead of only once
- 与流浪商人交易现在可以在锁定交易前使用两次,而不是只使用一次
Technical Changes
技术性更改- The Data Pack version is now 68
- 数据包版本现在是68
- The Resource Pack version is now 53
- 资源包版本现在是53
Data Pack Version 68
数据包版本68- Added data driven sound variants for Wolves
- 为狼添加了数据驱动的音效变种
- Biome effects has a new field dry_foliage_color that defines the color used for tinting blocks using dry foliage tinting
- 生物群系效果有一个新的字段dry_foliage_color,它定义了干燥生物群系着色的方块将要使用的颜色
Wolf Sound Variants
狼的音效变种- Wolf sound variants can be data-driven by adding entries to data/<namespace>/wolf_sound_variant/<id>.json
- 狼的音效变种现在使用数据驱动,可以在 data/<namespace>/wolf_sound_variant/<id>.json 中添加新的音效变种
- The file contains the following fields which correspond to sound events to use for the specific behaviour:
- 该文件需包含以下字段,这些字段对应于用于特定行为的声音事件:
- ambient_sound
- death_sound
- growl_sound
- hurt_sound
- pant_sound
- whine_sound
Item Components
- If the blocked damage has no position, the compared angle will be assumed to be the maximum 180 for horizontal_blocking_angle field of damage_reductions
- 如果被阻挡的伤害没有位置,则对于damage_reductions中的horizontal_blocking_angle字段,用于比较的角度将被假定为最大值180度
Entity components
实体组件- New component
- 新组件
- wolf/sound_variant - namespaced id from wolf_sound_variant registry
- wolf/sound_variant - 对应wolf_sound_variant注册项的命名空间ID
Resource Pack Version 53
资源包版本53- Added possibility to tint blocks based on a dry foliage color map
- 增加了基于干燥生物群系着色的颜色图
- Updated textures for Spawn Eggs
- 更新了生物蛋的纹理
- New and updated sounds for Wolf sound variants
- 改进并新增了狼的声音变种
- Added colormap texture for tinting dry foliage tinted blocks
- 添加了颜色图纹理,用于为干燥生物群系着色的颜色图
- Name of sheep_fur texture has been renamed to sheep_wool
- 将sheep_fur纹理的名称重命名为sheep_wool
- Sheep now has a separate texture for its wool undercoat, which is dynamically recolored in-game
- 羊现在有了一个单独的羊毛底色纹理,可以在游戏中动态重新着色
- The name of this undercoat texture is sheep_wool_undercoat
- 这种底色纹理的名称是sheep_wool_undercoat
Updated textures for Spawn Eggs
- New textures have been added for all Spawn Eggs
- 所有生物蛋都添加了新的纹理
- Removed spawn_egg.png and spawn_egg_overlay.png
- 移除了 spawn_egg.png 和 spawn_egg_overlay.png
Equipment Assets
- Equipment layers configured to be dyeable will now show if the dyed_color component is present on the item, even if the item is not in the #dyeable tag
- 配置为可染色的装备纹理层在物品拥有 dyed_color组件时上色,即使物品不在#dyeable标签中
New and updated Wolf sound variants
- Sound files for the classic Wolf sounds have been moved into classic folder for the Wolf sound files
- 原来狼的音效文件移动到 classic 目录下
- Removed unused howl sound
- 移除了未使用的 howl 音效
- Added sounds for the new Wolf sound variants: big, cute, puglin, angry, grumpy and sad
- 为新的狼的音效变种添加了声音: big、cute、puglin、angry、grumpy和sad
Fixed bugs in 25w08a
25w08a 中修复的漏洞
- MC-177522 - Wolf barking and whining sounds are subtitled as "Wolf pants"
- MC-280182 - Shields can block some environmental damage sources
- MC-280230 - DeathLootTable field is incorrectly named DeathLoothTable
原帖来自:Minecraft Snapshot 25w08a | Minecraft
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